Thursday, June 27

A wild food munchin, movie watchin blogger appears

Here I will be mostly raving about my love and admiration for feasts on screen.
Whether they are there for aesthetics, plot advancement, or just director's whims, I'll strive to record it all. There might be a life post here and there too.

I've just graduated from high school (a half-hearted "go c/o 2013!") so I thought this summer of nothingness would be a good starting point. This isn't my first attempt at blogspot, but it'll take time to get back in the rhythm of blogging if ya know what I mean.

And so here we are.

1 comment:

  1. Love new bloooogs! Good luck with yours, I heard the first year is the hardest, I've nearly made it to one year -so fingers crossed I dont suddenly decide to quit :')
